Sunday, September 16, 2012

We should Never Forget

      We shall never forget the horrible day of 09/11/2001. We came underattack by Al Quada and we are still under attack. We had planes flying all over 2 hit the Trade Center towers. I remember thinking how bad it was inside that people would actually choose to Jump to their deaths. How bad w as it inside? I will never know and I thank God for that.
          I remember the Towers falling. The screams of People Running down the street with ash and dust all over them. The Police Officers and firefighters  covered in soot. The tears falling from Civilians and Emergency Personnel. It was gut wrenching.
        Then you got the Survivers that somehow they lived. Them loosing their friends and family members that perished on that Horrible Day! We Salute you!
           Those brave souls that took out the Terrorist on in that field in Pennsylvania. You guys were fucking awesome. This shows what the hell happens when we work together as a Unit. God Bless You and Your Family.
           Our Pentagon. A lot of these people didn't serve and didn't think they would be in harms way. Then you have our soldiers that was there. You guys was ready God Bless everyone in the Pentagon. We Salute You.
              We need to Remember this day forever and use it to learn from it. Every person we lost that day even though they wasn't Military should be awarded medals to show their Sacrifice. The ones that survived should be awarded the Purple Heart just for Surviving.
           Now lets jump ahead 11 years. Our embassy was attacked all across Muslim Countries allegedly over a trailer to a movie. You went into our Libyan Embassy killed 3 people and killed our Ambassador then you Sodomise them you are Fucking horrible pigs that need to fucking die and rot in Hell and this Administration just doesn't care because it has to do with his Muslim brotherhood Fuck you Obama

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